Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spring Framework - MethodReplacer Example in spring

Spring framework with AOP show many magic.One of them is Method Replacer .In this activity the called method is replaced by another method. To understand clearly have a good example-
Directory Structure-

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Spring Framework - Example of Database Connectivity with DataSource

After lot of basic tutorials and topics now we start database connectivity .In spring framework DataSource in used to define the database configuration.In XML configuration file use DriverManagerDataSource class is used to set the database configuration like driver,pool,username and understand clearly here below is a simple example-
Directory Structure-

Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring Framework- Execption handling in AOP

Hureeeee!!!!!  Today in spring framework we learn some intresting with AOP, so today topic is Execption handling. AOP contain a method proceed() . If this method is proceed with exception then it pass the controll of the program to the catch block, In That type examples we can also used @AfterThrowing , @AfterReturning ,@Around . here we use @Around annotation to follow the AOP. So here below is the example --

Spring Framework - Example to use @Before annotation with args() in AOP

Here In AOP, we discuss that how use @Before(args()).Here args() is contain the name of arguments with pass to the function and also can use that argument.Now see a example to understand that-

Monday, March 18, 2013

Spring Framework-Example to use JoinPoint in AOP

Hello Friends, After discussing the pointcuts in last post Now discuss on Joinpoint . A Joinpoint is a point in the execution of the application where an aspect can be plugged in. this point could be a method being called Here is a example to understands the use of pointcuts-

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Spring Framework- Example to Use Pointcuts in AOP

In Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) Advice define the what and when we call . The Pointcuts define where.A pointcut definition matches one or more jointpoints .Here discuss a simple example to use pointcut -

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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Spring Framework- Simple Aspect Oriented Programming Example

                     Aspect Oriented Programming basically provide alternative way to achive the inheritance and the delegation.In AOP define the comman fuctionality in one place,but you can define where and how this functionlity is applied.  The basic example of the aspect oriented programming is describe here-

Directory Structure-


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Hello, I am Navin Bansal. I am a student of MCA in Rajsthan Institute of Engineering and Technology and owner of this blog. I share my view and ideas among people.