DHCP stand for Dynamic host configuration protocol.
BOOTP stand for BootStrap protocol.
Major differences between them as follows--
BOOTP stand for BootStrap protocol.
Major differences between them as follows--
1. BOOTP was designed for manual pre-configuration of the host information in a server database, while DHCP allows for dynamic allocation of network addresses and configurations to newly attached hosts. When a BOOTP client requests an IP address, the BOOTP server searches a predefined table for an entry that matches the MAC address for the client. If an entry exists, the corresponding IP address for that entry is returned to the client. This means that the binding between the MAC address and the IP address must have already been configured in the BOOTP server.
2. DHCP allows for recovery and reallocation of network addresses through a leasing mechanism. Specifically, DHCP defines mechanisms through which clients can be assigned an IP address for a finite lease period. This lease period allows for reassignment of the IP
address to another client later, or for the client to get another assignment if the client moves to another subnet. Clients may also renew leases and keep the same IP address. BOOTP does not use leases. Its clients have reserved IP address which cannot be assigned to any other host. 3. BOOTP provides a limited amount of information to a host. DHCP provides additional IP configuration parameters, such as WINS and domain name.
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